love and i miss you quotes

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  • Dublinstiof�n
    Apr 25, 05:33 PM
    Ummmm.. what if I bought a iPhone 4 at launch. Recently broke it... and now want the white one?

    Your out of luck. Under no circumstances will Apple EVER replace a product with another one that is not exactly the same! Period!

    What i'm wondering about is when we will get an announcement about it.
    If the launch is Wednesday they are leaving it incredibly late!

    What are we supposed to do. Base it all on rumor and show up outside stores on Wednesday if we want one? Give me a break!

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  • marcello696
    Mar 11, 12:00 PM
    still planning on getting in line at 2pm, anyone got a line report?

    love and i miss you quotes. love you and miss you quotes.
  • love you and miss you quotes.

  • umar1234
    Mar 2, 11:26 AM
    I have herd that apple will soon be making more updates on MBP changing the Looks of the existing macbook pro they jus released on 26th feb 2008. Is dat true? cuz i wna buy a MBP now but i dont knw if i shud cuz what if they change the looks in june? If anyone has any information please let me know..Thanks

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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 28, 09:15 AM
    Name 1 Android device with sales figures like the iPhone 4.

    That's not what my point is about. Did I argue that iPhone 4 isn't the top selling phone? It is.

    But iOS is slipping and every time people starts saying wait for iPhone #, then iOS will gain again. iPhone # is released, it doesn't happen, people start talking about iPhone #+1.


    love and i miss you quotes. I Miss You And Love You Quotes
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  • jbanger
    Dec 1, 03:15 AM

    desktop courtesy of

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  • hansiedejong
    Oct 14, 08:31 AM


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  • lynnequintana
    Feb 4, 01:42 AM
    here's mine for the month of February :rolleyes:

    love and i miss you quotes. love you and miss you quotes.
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  • corywoolf
    Oct 31, 08:32 PM
    Yeah got my hands on one today, pretty cool little guy. We can't sell them till Friday though. We have about 150 in stock in our warehouse. They are smaller then I originally thought.


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  • i miss you quotes and sayings.

  • tinman0
    Apr 29, 01:35 PM
    Samsung know they are in trouble with the Apple suits, and rightly so. But instead of just defending the suit against them, they are making stuff up to get back at Apple.

    What it is, is childish.

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  • Franktv415
    Jun 23, 01:25 PM
    Anyone there Waiting in Line????


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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 26, 11:30 AM
    Your out of luck. Under no circumstances will Apple EVER replace a product with another one that is not exactly the same! Period!

    While I agree that under those circumstances Apple is unlikely to make the swap I have to disprove your claim. My mom's 14 inch iBook's screen broke when our dog pulled the cord it was plugged into and knocked it to the floor (pre-magsafe days). She sent it into Apple where they so sweetly said they would repair it free of charge even though they didn't have to. It ended up taking a few weeks when they said they would have a new one for her in a couple of days. After a few times calling in to check on the status that never seemed to change, Apple sent her a brand new updated 12 inch powerbook! Another time a friend of mine spilled wine on the keyboard of his 2009 15 inch top of the line Macbook Pro. It worked for a few more months until it finally kaput. He took it into Apple just to see what they would do, not too optimistic. The Genius was awesome and gave him a brand new 2011 top of the line 15 incher!

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  • miles01110
    Apr 16, 08:58 AM


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  • dianeoforegon
    Apr 29, 06:51 PM
    This is not an option in Outlook for Mac. You can set Outlook to "Work Offline" mode under Outlook in the Menu bar. this will allow you to hit "send" and the message will go to the Outbox but not connect until you are toggle "Work Offline" .

    love and i miss you quotes. missing you quotes. love and
  • missing you quotes. love and

  • TheMonarch
    Sep 24, 07:50 PM
    but why not? sex is good, and if both consent to it then their should be no problems as long as they know to be safe ect.

    The why not is not the point. Its the fact that parents don't lose control the very second they're 18.


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  • i miss you quotes and sayings

  • manu chao
    Apr 4, 05:51 PM
    nope -- its GIVING users choice. why? remember, w/ iOS subscriptions, YOU get to decide who you opt-in to. you, the CUSTOMER.

    And what is the innovation in this? You always had the option to decide (remember those checkboxes). I really don't see how Apple's solution is really different from the current situation.

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  • AWallen90
    May 5, 02:39 PM


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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 13, 04:23 PM
    Apple will never be able to be on top in terms of hardware. That is a fact. HTC and Motorolla are going to be leapfrogging that category now. What Apple needs to do is make sure people buy iOS devices for iOS. They have to be ahead there. For a phone that only releases hard once a year it will be IMPOSSIBLE to overtake the hardware market. But they can rule the soft ware realm of mobile devices.
    Right now the only thing they have on android is the retina display. Which by next year with the QHD screens will not be that impressive and when they do come with a new hardware innovation one of the android makers will top it within a year.

    love and i miss you quotes. i miss you quotes for friends.
  • i miss you quotes for friends.

  • FSUSem1noles
    Apr 1, 05:49 AM
    Happy April Fools!!!

    love and i miss you quotes. i miss you love quotes
  • i miss you love quotes

  • nickculbertson
    Apr 13, 07:14 AM
    I got this error last night and I'm still scratching my head about it.

    Build Ukulele of project Ukulele with configuration Debug

    Ld build/ normal armv6
    cd /Users/nickculbertson/Documents/GuitarApp
    setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -arch armv6 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS4.2.sdk -L/Users/nickculbertson/Documents/GuitarApp/build/Debug-iphoneos -F/Users/nickculbertson/Documents/GuitarApp/build/Debug-iphoneos -filelist /Users/nickculbertson/Documents/GuitarApp/build/ -dead_strip -miphoneos-version-min=4.2 -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -framework CoreGraphics -framework QuartzCore -framework AudioToolbox -framework AVFoundation -framework MediaPlayer -framework MessageUI -o /Users/nickculbertson/Documents/GuitarApp/build/

    ld: ldr 12-bit displacement out of range (4096 max +/-4096) in _AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID$stub in _AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID$stub from /Users/nickculbertson/Documents/GuitarApp/build/
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1

    The project runs fine on both iPad and iPhone builds in the simulator and the iPad build works on the device. When I run the iPhone build on the device I get the error. Any thoughts?


    Apr 7, 12:18 PM
    Read the product reviews before buying. Some people are complaining that some games are impossible to play on the iPhone screen. Additionally, some games just can't cross over into a touch screen environment because of joystick limitations.

    Apr 7, 05:12 PM
    WTF, what about gestures for the iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Oct 9, 04:22 PM
    Mind linking the original please? Cheers!

    Of course! iDrops (

    Apr 14, 11:17 PM
    anybody tried playing SC2 using Lion DP2? does it works?
    what about Civilization V? ....and other [OpenGL] games? ty

    Nov 12, 12:54 PM
    WRONG! FCP is definitely not the industry standard. It gained a lot of traction in market share from Avid but has since regressed its gains over the last several years.I agree even though I loathe Avid and its Technical support :P
    Were stuck with Avid and we do what we can without their support.
    We also use FCP but presently at a lower stage in the production pipeline.
    However, our RED One delivery is trickling in (worse delivery ever) and now in the process of testing a the Red Rocket in a Mac Pro loaded with FCP3.
    Hope it all goes well.

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