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  • lgutie20
    Apr 5, 08:47 AM
    Apple would not use a such a touch sensor instead of a button. This would limit the ways that people would be able to hold the device. Can you imagine watching a movie or playing a game and having to hold it in a specific way because otherwise the sensor will rip you out of your app or media onto the home screen? Not good, not real!

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  • appleguy
    Jan 6, 08:54 PM
    I am getting push notification but no sound for faecbook
    all over push apps I am geting a ding

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  • brucem91
    May 3, 01:56 PM
    Both my friend Cass and I are playing SC II on Late 2009 MBP 15", and we cannot get voice chat to work. I am running 10.6.3, he is running 10.5.8 (it's still .8, isnt it?)

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  • sarcosis
    Jun 14, 02:53 PM
    Looks nice. Doesn't do anything for me since I would want it wired for online gaming. My real question is this, did they solve the RRoD. If they did, i might have to pick one of these baby's up when my 360 dies the next time (I'm on #4 or 5. I lost count!)


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  • blackburn
    Feb 18, 06:44 PM
    Damn I'm thinner than uncle Steve. I should have died a long time ago:D Better pack my stuff:p

    Looks like everybody wants to kill Steve, guess what? In the next keynote instead of macbooks Steve is going to announce:

    "Once again I'm still a live."

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  • capsfan78
    Mar 24, 06:08 AM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone. The military does not offer wi-fi to their staff on base. Everything is hard wired and the conduit is sealed with a tamper proof silicon. The Government is very very particular about their SIPRnet (as they call it). Without wi-fi, what use is the iPad for the military other than to give them a little treat and waste our tax dollars? They already have mobile equipment in the vehicles that is far superior to Apple's products.

    Every officer I know has a gov't issued blackberry. The iphone and ipad don't necessarily need wifi to be of value.


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  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 08:55 AM
    You have, of course, argued differently: that the same focal length on the same camera will produce different images. Which is clearly nonsense:

    Taken out of context yet again. Congratulations!

    EF-S 200mm on a 1.6 crop camera will yield the same image as an EF 200mm on a FF camera. If you put that EF 200 back onto the 1.6 camera, the image is different.

    How hard is that to understand?

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  • AppleMc
    Mar 9, 11:53 AM
    I live a minute away from Stonebriar but I seriously dislike that mall. I'll be at Willow Bend around 4:30!


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  • tribal lizard tattoo. Tribal tattoo vector lizard); Tribal tattoo vector lizard). IngerMan. Apr 16, 12:44 PM. Not meant to boast but that article is written

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 9, 05:26 PM
    Cao Cao must be a big proponent of speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, government regulations, etc.

    Just wait until he tables his idea for Human brood mares. :eek:

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  • roadbloc
    Dec 21, 05:44 AM
    Not at all. As I said, I have no inclination for either Joe or RATM, or most chart music in general to be honest. I just thought the 'campaign' was pathetic, and still do.

    It will be interesting to see what gets played more on the radio over the next week. I have a feeling it won't be RATM, which will indicate how pathetic and meaningless this whole 'campaign' has been. This is what I have been getting at all along. Someone will need to let me know though as I don't listen to the radio much either.

    Oh... grow up would you. Don't take your bat and ball home. It's a bit of fun, a bit of a chuckle, a bit of rebellion over the xfactor. Just because RATM have won, doesn't mean that the xfactor is going to be axed and Simon Cowell is going back to his Mr Blobby days.

    If anything, this has helped the music industry, the thought of actually rebelling against the conveyer belt "machine" being the xfactor has actually inspired people to buy music, getting more people interested in the competition and reducing music piracy. People have supported who they want to win by buying the songs, unlike before, where a few thousand people would buy Joe's song, and the xfactor would win. If anything, Simon Cowell should be happy that there has been an interest in his and RATM's song.


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  • jettredmont
    Oct 26, 04:46 PM
    Wow, I expected PPC support to drop in a few years, not a few months. Sucks for anyone with the Quad G5s. Sucks for me with my dual G5. :(

    I hope this won't be a common trend.

    Well, I think what happened here is that Adobe was developing this application for Windows only. Then, they saw Intel Macs and said, hey, for a little extra dev work, we can support Macs too!

    The likely problem here is that their underlying sound processing libraries (probably still left over from Cool Edit et al) are heavily reliant on Intel technologies.

    I seriously doubt they started from scratch and decided that they'd do it Intel only just to tick us all off. It's seriously significantly easier to just use Apple's Intel/PPC libraries OR isolate your bottleneck code and #ifdef away the two hand-tweaked assembly bits, than to even support older versions of Mac OS. I mean, seriously: developing an app which is backwards compatible with Jaguar is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than developing (from scratch) an app which supports Tiger/PPC and Tiger/Intel!

    In any case: will this be an emerging trend? Probably. I can imagine a lot of Windows developers will look at their legacy codebase, the newly-changed calculus of Mac compatibility, and decide that it will be easy to slap a Mac-friendly interface on their Windows/Intel code base where that was just plain impossible before. And, yes, there will also be those who otherwise might have taken the plunge into a true Mac version of their software who look at the same calculus and decide it would save them a whole lot of money and cost them only half of their new market to just slap a Mac-happy interface on their old Windows workhorse instead.

    So, for better or ill, that's what we're likely to see. The good part is that it's an increase in software available for the Mac. The bad part is that it's a decrease in software written ground-up to work perfectly on the Mac.

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  • jmadlena
    Nov 6, 01:44 AM
    No spy chips, thank you.

    So you believe that by Apple putting an RFID tag reader in the next generation iPhone it will help enable the US government to spy on you?

    According to those scary sites you posted, they're already doing this with ease. Basically, if the US government wants to spy on you, it probably can. The only way to stop it would be to move out to the middle of nowhere:


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 07:24 AM
    Funny how history repeats itself (or better the comments on current events) ... those are the same arguments that I heard when computer manufactures started to get rid of the Floppy drive: but CDs are so much more expensive, I can't get everything on CD, people don't know how to handle them, ....

    Uh ? CDs were cheaper than floppies to mass produce and had been for quite in the 90s (remember, pressed vs burned) and 2, I was booting OS images and bootloaders from them way before the floppy drive even disappeared from Macs.

    What are you even ranting about here ? This isn't history repeating itself at all in my case. If you have a blank Mac because of a problem or HD upgrade, a network install image being sold outside the Mac App Store makes a lot more sense than Mac App Store distribution. OSes shouldn't be distributed in a store that requires an OS installation to even work.

    Chicken and egg problem right there. And a pure network install without media should be possible, Linux distributions have had that option forever. Welcome to the 90s or something. Again, all we need is a simple bootable image that we can put on a USB drive. Make an app to automate the creation of the USB thumb drive and it becomes completely user proof.

    And seriously, the guy arguing normal people who have problems doing it this way ? News flash, people that aren't computer savvy don't tend to upgrade their OS beyond patches.

    The difference is that the DVD drive is a relict from the last century. No need to put this big mechanical noisy space wasting thing in any new machine. The USB stick is for those who can't download for whatever reason. I have not used the DVD drive in years - still all my machines have this thing in it. I dare to say that the majority of users don't need a DVD drive - and for those that need one, they should have the option to get an optional one on new machines, but no need to have it by default in every new machine.

    That's the point. You say it yourself, your machines still have DVD drives. What's the point of going to the more expensive USB drive option ? Again : CDs were cheaper than floppies to produce and were much quicker to mass produce. Going from optical to Flash memory is the opposite move, it makes the media both more expensive and much more complicated/long to duplicate in mass.

    DVD distribution makes a lot more sense than USB right now in 2011. It will probably be like that for a few years. Admit, all the people clamoring for USB distribution just want a Apple branded USB Thumb drive. As an Air user with such a thumb drive let me tell you this : their design is pure crap and it is not quite as convenient as a real thumb drive. It also tends to get all scratched up when inserting it and removing it because it lacks the proper guides for the USB port.

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  • ikir
    Jun 22, 04:35 AM
    Wow, hadn't even thought about that... That would be so nice. :o

    Very good idea!!! The only problem is speed, Apple SD readers are quite fast but only some high end SD reach good speeds.


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  • Doctor Q
    Jan 22, 11:13 PM
    We have asked our ad agency to remove this ad. Thanks for reporting it.

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  • smugDrew
    Apr 20, 06:13 PM
    As soon as Sandybridge based MBA's arrive, I'm buying.

    Don't want an outdated C2D and Nv's video chipset, I've seen the HD3000 in action and it's very good. Does everything I want and much more.


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  • macwebcaster
    Nov 12, 09:53 PM
    This is totally off subject but...

    Still cannot laugh. My wife (Japanese) said it was not funny and must have been written by a Kanto comedian. If a Kansai comedian had written it, it would have been funnier.

    Actually, it is the taste of Kanto (around Tokyo) not that of Kansai (around Osaka). But for the image of Apple in Japan, Kansai plot is not suitable, I guess. Because the image of Kansai is not cool.

    As a native Japanese, good one is iLife one (someone calls it "iRife" BTW).

    Actors are comedian duo called "Ramens" (you know ramen as in chinese noodle)

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    Mar 11, 01:27 PM
    Just called two different local Best Buys and no one in line for either of them yet.... =)

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  • Detlev
    Oct 16, 07:37 PM
    I am willing to be Apple's test market :D

    Erased Citizen
    Sep 25, 10:15 AM
    Did they really need a media event for such a small update?

    suggesting possible pro hardware updates are still to come...

    Oct 26, 03:05 PM
    Only edits lossless not compressed files.

    It doesn't edit AACs or MP3s.

    Nov 2, 11:11 AM
    I'm a switcher, well, a switch backer. ;) My last computer was a PC, but that's my only PC ever.

    My brother is also a switch backer. I have a friend who is a switcher, my mom is a soon to be switcher. I have two friends who are both soon to be switchers and possibly even one or two more.

    After everyone saw what my MacBook was capable of, they all wanted to get on board. And they'll only convince a few more people who will convince a few more people. It sounds like a pyramid scam, but it's great to be back in the Mac World.:cool:

    Apr 23, 12:12 PM
    Having run Linux for the past two years, I find this bit hilarious.

    Yeah, no kidding. I have all three flavors sitting at my desk at home. I have a Win 7 gaming rig, Mac Mini, and an old P4 Linux machine. Personally, I have never found Windows difficult to use, especially compared to Linux. So, do I have split personalities or something?

    Anyway, I am the total opposite of most of these. I do have a college degree, but I am nearly a carnivore, can't stand wine (give me a good craft beer or whiskey), prefer Dr. Pepper, and I have no idea what San Pellegrino Limonata is. If I rode a bike, it would be something insanely fast that would get me killed quickly, like a Ducati or something.

    May 5, 03:48 PM
    I'm curious too. Had my eye on the Kingston ram. But keep hearing things about the Crucial being better?

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